Curriculum Vitae

Person-Related Identification Information
  • * 6. 5. 1974 (Brno, Czech Republic) married, 3 children (Barbora, Žofie, Hedvika)
  • Institute of Condensed Matter Physics (Kotlarska 2)
  • Institute of Theoretical Physics & Astrophysics (Kotlarska 2)
  • CEITEC Nano Core Facility (Purkynova 123)
Employment - Position
  • Research assistant
Education and Academic Qualifications
  • 1997 MSc. degree (spec. Subnuclear Physics) at Faculty of Math and Physics, Charles university, Prague; thesis in High-Energy Astrophysics (Contribution to the calibration of CAT and CELESTE detectors)
  • 1997-2000 postgraduate studies at PCC, College de France, Paris, France and UCJF, MFF, UK
  • 2003 PhD degree (thesis Electronic simulation for CELESTE: bias studies and application on observations of Crab Nebula)
  • 1997-1999 collaboration with CAT and CELESTE experiments (French Pyrenees) on detection of cosmic gamma rays using Cerenkov atmospheric technique (College de France)
  • 2003-2007 member of Czech INTEGRAL group at the Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Ondrejov: data retrieval and analysis, search of variable sources (blazars, cataclysmic variables) incl. optical monitoring
  • 2004 nine-month stay (with 2 month extension in early 2007) at INTEGRAL Science Data Centre, Versoix, Switzerland
  • 2004-2006 automated scripts for analysis of X-ray spectra from XMM-Newton (intended for search of narrow-line features in X-ray emission of accretion discs of AGNs); extracted event-lists studied in detail using originally developped tools for time-resolved spectroscopy
  • 2007-2008 completion of a legacy catalogue of GRBs detected by HETE-2 satellite, assegno de ricerca position at Instituto di astrofisica spaziale e fisica cosmica (IASF/INAF), Bologna, Italy
  • 2008- current job at Inst. of Cond. Matt. Physics, Fac. of Science, Masaryk University Brno
  • 2011- member of CEITEC research group Functional Properties of Nanostructures, operator of optical and thin-layer deposition instruments
  • 2016-2020 member of Core Facility Staff for CEITEC research program 1 (Nanomaterials)
  • 2020- member of High Energy Astrophysics group, focusing of GRB detection using nanosatellites (GRBAlpha, GRBBeta) and preparation of a QUVIK mission towards first Czech space telescope
Teaching Activities
  • Physical Laboratory II and IV
  • Experimental methods and special laboratory
  • Mathematical Methods of Data Analysis
  • Experiment Setup and Interpretation
  • Astronomical Exercises III
  • Python for physicists
Scientific and Research Activities
  • Design and science justification of a future UV space telescope QUVIK (Czech ambitious projects 2022-2023 ESA AO/1-10986/21/NL/MH, PI by VZLU)
  • Cubesats for detection of gamma rays, detectors developed in collaboration of Konkoly Observatory, Hungary and Hiroshima University, Japan: GRBAlpha 1U cubesat launched 22.3.2021
  • NanoCharM - Multifunctional Nanomaterials Characterisation Exploiting Ellipsometry and Polarimetry, 7th Framework Program (prof. Maria Losurdo a J. Humlíček) 2008-2010
  • SOI Structures for Advanced Semiconductor Applications, TAČR TA01010078 (prof. J. Humlíček) 2011-2013
  • New semicondictor materials and wide bandgap electronic components, TAČR TH01011284 (prof. J. Humlíček) 2015-2017
  • Experimental MOCVD device for high-temperature semiconductor growth, TAČR Delta (doc. J. Hubálek CEITEC VUT, Ing. J. Piják SVCS Process Innovation) 2017-2020 Expertise
  • Reflectometry and ellipsometry of structured materials
  • Automated acquisition and data analysis
  • Scanning Probe Microscopy, Micro and nano Raman spectroscopy
  • Metal-Organic CVD (oxides, nitrides), reactor design
  • High-energy astrophysics - detection and data analysis
Major Publications
  • WERNER, Norbert, Jakub ŘÍPA, C. THÖNE, Filip MÜNZ, Petr KURFÜRST, M. JELÍNEK, Filip HROCH, Jan BENÁČEK, M. TOPINKA, G. LUKES-GERAKOPOULOS, Michal ZAJAČEK, Matúš LABAJ, Michal PRIŠEGEN, Jiří KRTIČKA, J. MERC, A. PÁL, Ondřej PEJCHA, V. DÁNIEL, J. JON, R. ŠOŠOVIČKA, J. GROMEŠ, J. VÁCLAVÍK, L. STEIGER, J. SEGIŇÁK, E. BEHAR, S. TAREM, J. SALH, O. REICH, S. BEN-AMI, M. F. BARSCHKE, D. BERGE, A. TOHUVAVOHU, S. SIVANANDAM, M. BULLA, S. POPOV a Hsiang-Kuang CHANG. Science with a Small Two-Band UV-Photometry Mission I: Mission Description and Follow-up Observations of Stellar Transients. Space Science Reviews. Springer, 2024, roč. 220, č. 1, s. 1-41. ISSN 0038-6308. Dostupné z: arXiv URL info
  • PÁL, András, Masanori OHNO, László MÉSZÁROS, Norbert WERNER, Jakub ŘÍPA, Balázs CSÁK, Marianna DAFČÍKOVÁ, Marcel FRAJT, Yasushi FUKAZAWA, Peter HANÁK, Ján HUDEC, Nikola HUSÁRIKOVÁ, Jakub KAPUŠ, Miroslav KASAL, Martin KOLÁŘ, Martin KOLEDA, Robert LASZLO, Pavol LIPOVSKÝ, Tsunefumi MIZUNO, Filip MÜNZ, Kazuhiro NAKAZAWA, Maksim REZENOV, Miroslav ŠMELKO, Hiromitsu TAKAHASHI, Martin TOPINKA, Tomáš URBANEC, Jean-Paul Bernhard RIFFALD SOUZA BREUER, Tamás BOZÓKI, Gergely DÁLYA, Teruaki ENOTO, Zsolt FREI, Gergely FRISS, Gábor GALGÓCZI, Filip HROCH, Yuto ICHINOHE, Kornél KAPÁS, László L. KISS, Hiroto MATAKE, Hirokazu ODAKA, Helen POON, Aleš POVALAČ, János TAKÁTSY, Kento TORIGOE, Nagomi UCHIDA a Yuusuke UCHIDA. GRBAlpha: The smallest astrophysical space observatory : I. Detector design, system description, and satellite operations. Astronomy & Astrophysics. EDP Sciences, 2023, roč. 677, September, s. 1-9. ISSN 0004-6361. Dostupné z: URL URL info
  • ROZBOŘIL, Jakub, Katharina BROCH, Roland RESEL, Ondřej CAHA, Filip MÜNZ, Petr MIKULÍK, John E. ANTHONY, Henning SIRRINGHAUS a Jiří NOVÁK. Annealing Behavior with Thickness Hindered Nucleation in Small-Molecule Organic Semiconductor Thin Films. CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN. WASHINGTON: AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2019, roč. 19, č. 7, s. 3777-3784. ISSN 1528-7483. Dostupné z: URL of the publication info
  • WANG, Chennan, Ondřej CAHA, Filip MÜNZ, Petr KOSTELNÍK, Tomáš NOVÁK a Josef HUMLÍČEK. Mid-infrared ellipsometry, Raman and X-ray diffraction studies of AlxGa1-xN/AlN/Si structures. Applied Surface Science. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science, 2017, roč. 421, November, s. 859-865. ISSN 0169-4332. Dostupné z: URL info
  • ROZBOŘIL, Jakub, Yvonne RECHKEMMER, Dominik BLOOS, Filip MÜNZ, Chennan WANG, Petr NEUGEBAUER, Jan ČECHAL, Jiří NOVÁK a Joris VAN SLAGEREN. Magneto-optical investigations of molecular nanomagnet monolayers. Dalton Transactions. CAMBRIDGE: The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2016, roč. 45, č. 18, s. 7555-7558. ISSN 1477-9226. Dostupné z: Webová stránka odkazující na text publikace info
  • MÜNZ, Filip a Josef HUMLÍČEK. Zařízení pro měření tloušťky polovodičových vrstevnatých struktur SOI. 2014. URL info
  • MÜNZ, Filip, Josef HUMLÍČEK a Přemysl MARŠÍK. Optimized calibration and measurement procedures in rotating analyzer and rotating polarizer ellipsometry. Thin Solid Films. Elsevier, 2011, roč. 519, č. 9, s. 2703-2706. ISSN 0040-6090. Dostupné z: info
  • MÜNZ, Filip a Graziella PIZZICHINI. Burst statistics in HETE-2 catalogue. PROBING STELLAR POPULATIONS OUT TO THE DISTANT UNIVERSE. AIP, 2009, roč. 1111, č. 1, s. 387-390. ISSN 0094-243X. info
  • SMITH, David A., Elisabeth BRION a Filip MÜNZ. Mrk 421, Mrk 501, and 1ES 1426+428 at 100 GeV with the CELESTE Cherenkov Telescope. Astronomy and Astrophysics. Les Ulis Cedex, France: EDP Sciences, 2006, roč. 459, č. 2, s. 453-464. ISSN 0004-6361. Abstrakt + PDF info


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