Curriculum vitae
- Person Identification
- Jan Helešic, RNDr., Ph.D.; born 1953; married;
- Workplace
- Department of Botany and Zoology Masaryk University, Kotlářská 2, 611 37 BRNO, Czech Republic
- Employment Position
- Associated professor, Head of Laboratory of Running Waters Biology
- Head of Department (2007 - 2016)
- Education and Academic Qualifications
- 1977 - Purkyně University* Brno, Systematic Zoology;
- 1980 - Purkyně University* Brno, Animal Ecology M.Sc.(RNDr.);
- 1982 - Purkyně University* Brno, Environmental Protection, (* former name of Masaryk University);
- 1996 - Masaryk University Brno, Hydrobiology, Ph.D. ( Theses: The Stoneflies (Plecoptera) as a model group of stream biomonitoring)
- 1999 - Masaryk University Brno, Hydrobiology, Associated Professor
- Employment Summary
- 1977 - Research Assistant - Institute of Systematic Biology and Ecology - feeding ecology of birds;
- 1979 - Research Worker - Railway Research Institute - ecotoxicology, transportation of hazardous materials and chemicals;
- 1990 - Research Worker - Department of Zoology and Ecology MU - limnology, applied limnology and ecotoxicology;
- 1996 - Assistant Professor - Department of Zoology and Ecology, Head of Laboratoty of Running Waters Biologicy;
- 1999 - Associated Professor - Department of Zoology and Ecology, Head of Laboratory of Running Waters Biology;
- 2003 - 2006 - Head of Section of Biology Faculty of Science MU;
- 2007 - 2016 - Head of Department of Botany and Zoology
- Pedagogical Activities
- The Base Course of Limnobiology (Hydrobiology);
- Applied Limnobiology (Hydrobiology);
- Determination Course of Invertebrates - with departments staff - since 2008;
- Oceanobiology and marine ecology;
- Advances in ecology of running waters;
- Limnobiology for Environmental Science students and Technical University students - since 2005;
- Ecotoxicology of Aquatic Systems - since 2004;
- Production ecology;
- Environmental Impact, Hazard and Risk Assessment - since 2000;
- 24 masters (Mgr.) students (diploma theses supervisor);
- 12 Ph.D. student (dissertation supervisor).
- Scientific and Research Activities
- Program TOCOEN (Toxic Compounds in the Environment) - the part BIOMONITOR - head: 1990 - present;
- Program REGIMP (Regulated Rivers and Impoundment) - co-ordinator : 1992 - present;
- Program BIMORUW (Biomonitoring in Running Waters) - head: 1992 - present;
- The Self Purification Ability of Running Waters in Small Catchment - the part of CTB (Chemical Time Bombs) program - VROM The Netherlands - 1991 - 1992;
- Biomonitoring of Running Waters in Protected Areas Moravský Kras, Žďárské Vrchy, 1990 - 1992;
- The Influence of Water Power Plant Operation on Biology of Stream below Dams, 1991 - 1995, grant of Czech Grant Agency No. 204/93/2051;
- Natural and Control Recolonization of Brooks after Total Drought. 1993 -1994, Masaryk University Grant No. G 421;
- Geoshere - Biosphere: Global Changes, 1993 - 1995, CGA grant No.204/93/0276;
- Bioindication of Regional and Global Environmental Changes on the Basis of Population Dynamic of Aquatic Insects (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera)(1994 - 1996), CGA Grant No. 204/94/1474;
- Predictive models of stream ecosystems.(joint applicant). Grant of Council for Research and Science of Government of Czech Republic, No. VaV/510/2/1997(1996 - 1998)
- The impact of hydrological conditions in streams on top bottom and hyporheic biota.Applicant: J. Helešic. Grant of the Czech Grant Agency No. 206/99/1522 (1999 - 2001)
- Schotterbanke als wichtige Stoffewchselstruktur der Fliesswasserokosysteme - Applicant J. Helešic, Action WTZ 2000/11, 2000 - 2001
- Life strategies of meio - macroinvetebrates in running waters. Applicant J. Helešic, GA 206/02/0902. 2002 - 2004
- Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera: model groups for long term study of environmental changes of aquatic biotopes. Co-applicant. GA 206/06/1133, 2006 - 2009
- Long term research projects:
- Spatiotemporal biodiversity dynamics in ecosystems of Central Europe. MSM 143100010. Applicant for aquatic ecosystems. 1999 - 2004.
- Diversity of biotic communities: Spatiotemporal causal analysis. MSM 0021622416. Applicant for aquatic ecosystems. 2005 - 2011.
- Academical Stays
- Finland - Univ. Jyväskylä (1992 - 2 weeks); USA - Univ. Knoxville, US EPA Atlanta, Athens (1993 - 1 month); Germany - GSF a Univ. Munchen (1994 - 1 week); Austria - ÖAW, Biol. station Lunz (1994 - 1 week); Denmark - VKI Silkeborg a WQI Horsholm (1995 - 1 week); Austria - ÖAW, Biol. stat. Lunz (1997 - 1 week, 2000 - 2 weeks).
- University Activities
- Member of Academic senate (1993 - 1996);
- Scientific secretary of Biological section of MU (1993 - 1997);
- Head of Division - Laboratory of Running Waters Biology (1996 - present);
- Head od Section of Biology (2003 - 2006);
- Head of Department of Botany and Zoology (2007 - 2016);
- Member of Ph.D. council for hydrobiology Masaryk University Brno (1997 - present), chairman (2000 - present);
- Extrauniversity Activities
- Member of Ph.D. council for hydrobiology Charles University Praha and South Bohemian University České Budějovice (1998 - present).
- Member of evaluation council of Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, chairman of sub committee 206 (2003 - 2006)
- Czech Zoological Society , 1977 - 2013, 1997 - member of main council;
- Czech Limnological Society, 1979 - present, secretary of Brno division: 1987 - 1995, editor of journal LIMNONOVINY: 1991 - 1994; president of society: 2000 - 2003
- International Association of Plecopterologist, USA, 1991 - present;
- Czech Society for Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicolgy - 1993 - present, editor of BULLETIN CSECETOX 1993 - 1995;
- Member of Scientific Council of CHKO (National protected area) Žďárské vrchy (1988 - present) a NP (National Park) Podyjí (1994 - present);
- SIL - International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, 1992 - 2016 (representant of Czech Republic);
- IAD - International Association of Danube Research, 1998 - 2016 (representant of Czech Republic).
- Appreciation of Science Community
- Chairman of organizing and scientific comittees: Czech Limnological Society Congress 1991, 2015; RIVER BOTTOM II Kupařovice 1990; RIVER BOTTOM III 1993 Olomouc; RIVER BOTTOM IV 1996 Brno;
- Editor of Proceedings: Congress of Czech Limnological Society, Znojmo 1990; V. Determination Course of Macrozoobenthos, D. Věstonice 1991; Ecological Importance of River Bottom - Proceendings RIVER BOTTOM III., Olomouc, 1993; Advances in River Bottom Ecology - Proceedings RIVER BOTTOM IV., 1996 Brno;co-editor proceedings RIVER BOTTOM V. and VI. - special issues of The International Review of Hydrobiology
- President of Czech Limnological Society (2000 - 2003)
- Selected Publications
- ŽÁKOVÁ, Sylvie, Veronika WEISSOVÁ, Bohuslav UHER a Jan HELEŠIC. Macroinvertebrate herbivores and epilithon algae community of a stream affected by mineralized heated mining water inflow. Annales de Limnologie - International Journal of Limnology. LES ULIS CEDEX A, FRANCE: EDP Sciences S A, 2017, roč. 53, March, s. 189-201. ISSN 0003-4088. Dostupné z: info
- ADÁMEK, Zdeněk, Jan HELEŠIC, Blahoslav MARŠÁLEK a Martin RULÍK. Applied Hydrobiology. 1. vyd. Vodňany: Univ.South Bohemia in České Budějovice, 2014, 376 s. ISBN 978-80-7514-025-8. info
- OMESOVÁ, Marie a Jan HELEŠIC. Organic matter and fine grains as possible determinants of spatial and seasonal variability in bed sediment fauna: A case study from a Hercynian gravel stream. Limnologica - Ecology and Management of Inland Waters. Elsevier GmbH, 2010, roč. 40, č. 4, s. 307-314. ISSN 0075-9511. info
- ZAHRÁDKOVÁ, Světlana, Tomáš SOLDÁN, Jindřiška BOJKOVÁ, Jan HELEŠIC, Hana JANOVSKÁ a Pavel SROKA. Distribution and biology of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of the Czech Republic: present status and perspectives. Aquatic insects. 2009, roč. 31, 11/2009, s. 621-644. ISSN 0165-0424. info
- ADÁMEK, Zdeněk, Jan HELEŠIC, Blahoslav MARŠÁLEK a Martin RULÍK. Aplikovaná hydrobiologie. 1. vyd. Vodňany: VÚRH JU Vodňany, 2008, 256 s. Učebnice. ISBN 978-80-85887-79-2. info
- TAJMROVÁ, Lenka a Jan HELEŠIC. Circadian Changes in Feeding Activity and Diet of Hydropsyche saxonica (Trichoptera). International Review of Hydrobiology. Weinheim: WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2007, roč. 92 - 2007, 4 - 5, s. 539 - 544. ISSN 1434-2944. info
- OMESOVÁ, Marie a Jan HELEŠIC. Vertical Distribution of Invertebrates in Bed Sediments of a Gravel Stream in the Czech Republic. International Review of Hydrobiology. Weinheim: WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2007, roč. 92 - 2007, 4 - 5, s. 480-490. ISSN 1434-2944. info
- HELEŠIC, Jan, Maria LEICHTFRIED a Jana SCHENKOVÁ. Advances in River Bottom Ecology (RIVER BOTTOM VI). Advances in River Bottom Ecology (RIVER BOTTOM VI). In Internationl Review of Hydrobiology, Volume 92 - 2007 - Number 4-5. 1. vyd. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH Vlg. GmbH, 2007, s. 361 - 602, 239 s. info
- TOMANOVÁ, Sylvie, Edgar GOITIA a Jan HELEŠIC. Trophic levels and functional feeding groups of macroinvertebrates in neotropical streams. Hydrobiologia. Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2006, roč. 556, č. 556, s. 251-264. ISSN 0018-8158. info
- HELEŠIC, Jan. Biological Monitoring of Running Waters in Eastern and Central Europaen Countries (Former Communistic Block). In G. Ziglio, M. Siligardi, G. Flaim: Biological Monitoring of Rivers. Application and Perspectives. 1. vyd. Chichestr, England, GB: John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 2006, s. 327-350. Water Quality Measurements Series. ISBN 0-470-86376-5. info
- SCHENKOVÁ, Jana a Jan HELEŠIC. Habitat preferences of aquatic Oligochaeta (Annelida) in the Rokytná River, Czech Republic - a small highland stream. Hydrobiologia. Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2006, roč. 2006, č. 564, s. 117-126, 9 s. ISSN 0018-8158. URL info
- HELEŠIC, Jan, Maria LEICHTFRIED, Franz WAGNER a Marie OMESOVÁ. Investigations on gravel bars and the hyporheic zone in an alpine and two hercynian streams in Central Europe. In J. Jones. Verhandlung.Proceedings.Travaux, Int. Assoc.Theoretical and Applied Limnology. 1. vyd. Stuttgart: E. Schweizerbartsche Vlg., 2006, s. 1511-1515, 4 s. ISBN 3-510-54067-0. info
- HELEŠIC, Jan, Tomáš SOLDÁN a Jan ŠPAČEK. Plecoptera (pošvatky). In FRAKAČ, J, D KRÁL a M ŠKORPÍK. (eds): Červený seznam ohrožených druhů České republiky. Bezobratlí. Red list of threatened species in the Czech Republic. Invertebrates. 1. vyd. Praha: Agentura ochrany přírody a krajiny ČR, 2006, s. 128 - 131. Červený seznam ohrožených druhů České republiky. 1. ISBN 80-86064-96-4. info
- SCHENKOVÁ, Jana, Jan HELEŠIC a Jiří JARKOVSKÝ. Seasonal dynamics of Bythonomus lemani and Bothrioneurum vejdovskyanum (Oligochaeta, Annelida) in relation to environmental variables. Biologia. Bratislava: Springer, 2006, roč. 61, č. 5, s. 517-523. ISSN 0006-3088. info
- HELEŠIC, Jan. Předseda podkomise 206 a člen komise 2 přírodní vědy. Česká grantová agentura, 2006. info
- OMESOVÁ, Marie a Jan HELEŠIC. How to evaluate the influence of sediment size structure on the lotic invertebrate community composition? In Jones J. Verhandlung.Proceedings.Travaux, Int. Assoc.Theoretical and Applied Limnology. 1. vyd. Stuttgart: E. Sweizerbartsche Vlg., 2006, s. 2131-2413, 4 s. ISBN 3-510-54069-7. info
- OMESOVÁ, Marie a Jan HELEŠIC. On the processing of freeze-core samples with notes on the impact of sample size. In Studies in hydrobiology. 1. vyd. Brno: Masaryk University, 2004, s. 59-66. Scripta Fac.Sci.Nat.Univ.Masaryk. Brunnensis. ISBN 80-210-3554-4. info
- HELEŠIC, Jan. Habitatové preference larev pošvatek čeledi Perlidae a Perlodidae - studie druhu Perla burmeisteriana. Acta Facultatis Ecologie. Zvolen: Technická univ. Zvolen, 2003, roč. 10, Suppl. 1, s. 183-186. ISSN 1336-300X. info
- HELEŠIC, Jan. The effects of iron and manganese mine watres on stream biota (Case study of ecological risk assessment). In SECOTOX 2002. Book of Astracts, 7th Regional Meeting of the Central and Eastern European Section. 1,. Brno, Czech Republic: Masarykova Univerzita v Brně, 2002, s. 106. ISBN 80-210-2971-4. info
- HELEŠIC, Jan. Nonparametric evaluation of environmental parameters determining the occurrence of stonefly larvae (Plecoptera) in streams. Aquatic Science. Basel, Switzerland: Birkhäuser Publ.Ltd., 2001, roč. 63, č. 4, s. 490-500. ISSN 1015-1621. info
- HELEŠIC, Jan a Daniela SCHEIBOVÁ. Bioaccumulation of harmful pollutants in running water food webs. Verh.Internat.Verein.Limnol. Stuttgart, BRD: E.Schweizerbartśche Verlagsuchhandlung, 2001, roč. 27, č. 5, s. 3070-3074. ISSN 0368-0770. info
- VÁŇA, M., I. HOLOUBEK, A. PACL, J. PEKÁREK, V. SMRČKOVÁ, P. MACHÁLEK, Jan HELEŠIC, Zdeněk ŠEDA, V. ADAMEC, M. JANOUCH, J. HONZÁK, Alena ANSORGOVÁ, Jiří KOHOUTEK, Irena HOLOUBKOVÁ, V. SHATALOV, Sergej DUTCHAK, D. FOTTOVÁ, J. HRUŠKA, Jakub HOFMAN a Petr ANDĚL. Quality of the natural environment in the Czech Republic at the regional level. Results of the Košetice Observatory. Praha: ČHMÚ Praha, 2001, 189 s. ISBN 80-85813-88-2. info
- HELEŠIC, Jan, František KUBÍČEK, Bohumil LOSOS, Edmund SEDLÁK a Světlana ZAHRÁDKOVÁ. Vodní bezobratlí a hydrobiologie řeky Dyje v Národním parku Podyjí. Thayensia. Znojmo: NP Podyjí Znojmo, 2001, roč. 2001, 4, č. 1, s. 43-54. ISSN 1212-3560. info
- SOLDÁN, Tomáš a Jan HELEŠIC. Faunistic records from the Czech Republic. Plecoptera: Leuctridae. Klapalekiana. Praha: Česká společnost entomologická, Praha, 1999, roč. 35, č. 1, s. 211. ISSN 1210-6100. info
- SCHEIBOVÁ, Daniela a Jan HELEŠIC. Hydrobiological assessment of stream acidification in the Czech-Moravian Highlands, Czech Republic. Scripta Fac. Sci. Nat. Univ. Masaryk. Brun., Biology. Brno: Masaryk University, 1999, roč. 25, č. 1, s. 13-32. ISSN 80-210-2241-8. info
- HELEŠIC, Jan. Plecoptera. In Aquatic Invertebrates of the Pálava Biosphere Reserve of UNESCO. V.Opravilová, J.Vaňhara & I.Sukop (Eds.). 1. vyd. Brno: Masaryk University, 1999, s. 181-185. Folia Fac.Sci.Nat.Univ.Masaryk.Brun.,Biol., 101. ISBN 80-210-2232-9. info
- HELEŠIC, Jan a František KUBÍČEK. Hydrobiology of the Dyje River in the National Park Podyjí, Czech Republic. 1. vyd. Brno: Masaryk University, 1999, 130 s. Folia Fac.Sci.Nat.Masaryk.Brun., Biol., 102. ISBN 80-210-2242-6. info
- KUBÍČEK, František, Jan HELEŠIC, Denisa VOJTÍŠKOVÁ a Světlana ZAHRÁDKOVÁ. The impact of the Vranov resevoir hydropower station operation on the bottom biota of the Dyje River (Czech Republic). In Folia Fac.Sci.Nat.Univ.Masaryk.Brunn. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita v Brně, 1999, s. 7-94. Biologia, 102. ISBN 80-210-2242-6. info
- BRETSCHKO, Gernot a Jan HELEŠIC. Advances in River Bottom Ecology. 1 th. Leiden, The Netherland: Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, 1998, 344 s. ISBN 90 733348 87 0. info
- HELEŠIC, Jan, František KUBÍČEK a Světlana ZAHRÁDKOVÁ. The Impact of Regulated Flow and Altered Temperature Regime on River Bed Macroinvertebrates. In Bretschko G. & Helešic J.: Advances in River Bottom Ecology. 1th. Leiden, the Netherland: Backhuys Publishers, 1998, s. 225-243. ISBN 90 73348 87 0. info
- SOLDÁN, Tomáš, Světlana ZAHRÁDKOVÁ, Jan HELEŠIC, Ladislav DUŠEK a Vladimír LANDA. Distributional and Quantitative Patterns of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera in the Czech Republic: A Possibility of Detection of Long-term Environmental Changes of Aquatic Biotopes. 1. vyd. Brno: Masaryk University Brno, 1998, 305 s. Folia Fac.Sci.Nat.Masaryk.Brun., Biol. 98. ISBN 80-210-1870-4. info
- LANDA, Vladimír, Jan HELEŠIC, Tomáš SOLDÁN a Světlana ZAHRÁDKOVÁ. The Plecoptera of the River Vltava (Czech Republic): a Century of Extinction. In Landolt P. & Sartori M: Ephemeroptera & Plecoptera: Biology - Ecology - Systematics. 1th. Fribourg, Switzerland: MTL-Mauron + Tinguely a Lachat SA, 1997, s. 288-295. ISBN 2-940187-01-0. info
- LANDA, Vladimír, Světlana ZAHRÁDKOVÁ, Tomáš SOLDÁN a Jan HELEŠIC. The Morava and Elbe River Basins, Czech Republic: A Comparison of Long-term Changes in Mayfly (Ephemeroptera) Biodiversity. In P. Landolt & M. Sartori: Ephemeroptera & Plecoptera: Biology-Ecology-Systematics. 1th. Friburg, Switzerland: MTL - Mauron+Tinguely & Lachat SA, Friburg, 1997, s. 219-226. ISBN 2-940187-01-0. info
- HELEŠIC, Jan, Josef ČÁSLAVSKÝ a Roman VANČURA. The use of aquatic and soil macroinvertebrates for bioaccumulation of organic pollutants in sediment and soil.Preliminary case study. Archiwum Ochrony Srodowiska. Wrocalaw: WPAN, 1996, roč. 1995, 3-4, s. 151-158. ISSN 0324-4861. info
- BRETSCHKO, Gernot, Jan HELEŠIC a František KUBÍČEK. The Ecological Importance of River Bottom. 1. vyd. Brno: Masaryk University, 1995, 172 s. Folia Fac.Sci.Nat.Univ.Masaryk.Brun., Biol. 91. ISBN 80-210-1089-4. info
- KUBÍČEK, František, Jan HELEŠIC a Ondřej KOMÁREK. The Benthic Community in Artifical Concrete Channels. In Bretschko G., Helešic J. & Kubíček F.: The Ecological Importance of River Bottom. 1. vyd. Brno: Masaryk University Brno, 1995, s. 63-76. Folia Fac.Sci.Nat.Masaryk.Brun., Biol.91. ISBN 80-210-1089-4. info
- HELEŠIC, Jan a Edmund SEDLÁK. Downstream Effect of Impoundments on Stoneflies: Case Study of an Epipotamal Reach of the Jihlava River, Czech Republic. Regulated Rivers: Research & Management. Chichester: Wiley, 1995, roč. 10, č. 1, s. 39-49. ISSN 0886-9375. info