Courses taught
Autumn 2008 at Faculty of Science
Spring 2008 at Faculty of Science
- Magisterská státní závěrečná zkouška ze Systematické zoologie a ekologie (Bi0187, Bi0191)
- Bachelor thesis of zoology & ecology II.
- Diploma thesis tutorial zool. II.
- Diploma thesis tutorial zool. IV.
- Expert practical training
- Teaching Biology
- Zoological microtechnique .
Autumn 2007 at Faculty of Science
Spring 2007 at Faculty of Science
Autumn 2006 at Faculty of Science
Spring 2006 at Faculty of Science
Autumn 2005 at Faculty of Science
- Bachelor thesis of zoology & ecology I.
- Basic parasitology
- Basic parasitology - seminar
- Biology of parasitic helminths - practice
- Diploma thesis tutorial I.
- Diploma thesis tutorial zool. III.
- Expert practical training I
- Parasitological seminar (Bi0477, Bi8475)
- The Study of Animal and Plant Structure for Biology Teachers
- Zoology microtechnique
Spring 2005 at Faculty of Science
Autumn 2004 at Faculty of Science
Spring 2004 at Faculty of Science
Autumn 2003 at Faculty of Science
- Bachelor thesis of zoology & ecology I.
- Biology of parasitic helminths
- Biology of parasitic helminths - practice
- Diploma thesis tutorial I.
- Diploma thesis tutorial zool. III.
- Expert practical training I
- General parasitology - seminar
- The Study of Animal and Plant Structure for Biology Teachers
- Zoology microtechnique