Curriculum vitae

Person Identification
  • Michal Horsák, born 26 September 1975 in Uherské Hradiště, Czechoslovakia
  • Department of Botany and Zoology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kotlářská 2, CZ-611 37 Brno, Czech Republic
Employment - Position
  • Deputy head of the Department of Botany and Zoology
    Professor at the Department of Botany and Zoology
    Member of the Mire Ecology Working Group
    Member of the Laboratory of Running Waters Biology
Education and Academic Qualifications
  • 1996–2001: Mgr. (M.Sc.) in Systematic Biology and Ecology, Masaryk University, Brno
    2001: RNDr. degree in Zoology, Masaryk University, Brno, thesis: "The current state of knowledge on freshwater mollusc fauna of the Czech Republic"
    2001–2004: Ph.D. in Hybdrobiology, Masaryk University, Brno, thesis: "Classification and ecology of mollusc communities in the Western Carpathian spring fens"
    2011: Doc. degree in Zoology, Masaryk University, Brno, thesis: "Ecology of fen molluscs: variation of species richness and composition, historical development and concordances with vegetation"
    2015: Prof. degree in Zoology, Masaryk University, Brno
Employment Summary
  • 2004–2005: Assistant Professor at the Department of Systematic Zoology and Ecology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno
    2006–: Assistant Professor at the Department of Botany and Zoology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno
    2011–2015: Associated Professor at the Department of Botany and Zoology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno
    2015–: Professor at the Department of Botany and Zoology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno
Teaching Activities
  • Current teaching at Masaryk University:
    System and evolution of invertebrates (with E. Sedlák, 2005, alone 2006–)
    Special zoology of invertebrates (with E. Sedlák, 2005-2007, with M. Omesová, 2008–)
    Malacozoology (2008–)
    Introduction to Field Invertebrate Zoology (with other tutors, 2009–)
    Special field practice in zoology (with other tutors, 2004–)
    Field practice in zoology (with other tutors, 2005–)
    Field course in entomology (with other tutors, 2006–)
    Mire ecology - practice (with M. Hájek, 2006–)
    Quaternary environments (with J. Roleček, 2013–)
    Methods of palaeoecology (with other tutors, 2013–)
    Advanced evolution of invertebrates (2016–)

    Tutoring of Bachelors' Theses: Zoology
    Tutoring of Masters' Theses: Soil Biology, Hydrobiology, Botany
    Tutoring of Ph.D. Dissertations: Ecology, Hydrobiology
    26 bachelor and 15 master theses have been defended until 2017 5 Ph.D. Dissertations has been defended until 2017
Scientific and Research Activities
  • Diversity and compositional changes of Central European mollusc faunas along various environmental gradients
    Taxonomy, distribution and ecology of European and Asian land molluscs
    Historical development and processes structuring modern communities
    Classification of mire habitats, ecology and palaeoecology of fen mollusc faunas, fen conservation strategies
    Processes influencing communities of running waters invertebrates, current focus on spring fens
    Southern Siberia and Southern Urals as modern analogies of the Late
    Pleistocene and Early Holocene landscapes of Central Europe
International Experience
  • Academic stays:
    2006: Department of Malacology, Institute of Zoology, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland (1 month)
    Repeated short-time scientific stays in Museum of Natural History, Wroclaw University, Poland (two weeks in total)
    Active participation in various international conferences, e.g., Congress of the International Association of Limnology, Molluscan Forum, Congress of the European Malacological Societies, Krajowe Seminarium Malakologiczne
    Repeated short-time scientific stays at the University in Greifswald (one week in total)
    University of New Mexico, USA, (one week, invited lecture)
    Active participation in various international conferences, e.g., Congress of the International Association of Limnology, Molluscan Forum, Congress of the European Malacological Societies, Krajowe Seminarium Malakologiczne

    Scientific expeditions outside Central Europe: 2005–2006, 2011-2013: Altai, Russia; 2007: Southern Urals, Russia, 2007, 2013: Azores, Portugal; 2011: Canada, USA
University Activities
  • 2006–: Coordinator of the study programme Systematic Biology and Ecology, Zoology
    2008–: Member of the Committee for PhD. Study in Zoology
    2008–: Member of the Committee for Ph.D. Study in Hydrobiology
    2015–: Head of the Committee for Ph.D. Study in Ecology
    2017–: Member of the Committee for Ph.D. Study in Parasitology
Activities Outside University
  • Membership in professional societies:
    2004–: Czech Zoological Society
    2008–: Czech Society for Ecology

    Member of editorial boards:
    2005–: Malacologica Bohemoslavaca (Bratislava)
    2011–: Folia Malacologica (Poznaň)
    2014–: Journal of Molluscan Studies (Oxford)
    2014–: Malacologia (Philadelphia)

    Membership in Committees for Ph.D. Study:
    2012–: Synecology, UMB, Banská Bystrica
    2017–: Zoology, JU, České Budějovice

    Membership in advisory boards and grant agencies:
    2017–: Institute of Vertebrate Biology, AVČR
    2017–: Czech Science Foundation, panel P504
Research Projects
  • 2002–2004: Ecology and palaeoecology of spring wetlands in the western part of the Carpathians (Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, No. 206/02/056, co-worker)
    2005–2007: Molluscs-vegetation-environment relationship in Carpathian-Balkan fens: patterns across scales, threats for biodiversity (Grant Agency of the Academy of the Czech Republic, No. KJB601630501, applicant)
    2007: Comparative collection of freshwater invertebrates (Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, No. FRVS/1755/2007, project team member)
    2008–2010: Origin and development of the Western Carpathian calcareous-fens and their biota: the question of glacial relicts and refuges (Grant Agency of the Academy of the Czech Republic, No. KJB601630803, applicant)
    2008–2010: Macroecological patterns of urban biodiversity: species richness, invasions and biotic homogenization in two taxonomic groups (Grant Agency of the Academy of the Czech Republic, No. IAA601630803, project team member)
    2010–2014: Development of the Holocene mollusc biodiversity and distribution in Central Europe: differences among climatic zones in relation to human colonization (Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, P504/10/0688, key co-worker)
    2011–2014: The role of species sorting and dispersal in structuring the aquatic invertebrate assemblages of isolated spring fens (Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, P505/11/0779, applicant)
    2011–2015: Environmental gradients, vegetation dynamics and landscape changes in the West Carpathians from the Late Glacial up to present times (Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, P504/11/0429, co-worker)
    2011–2015: Biodiversity change during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition: modern analogues in relict ecosystems of Siberia, (Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, P504/11/0454, co-worker)
    2015–2017: Annelids of isolated micro-wetlands: from water to soil, (Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, P504/15-15548S, co-worker)
    2016–2018: The coexistence of aquatic invertebrates in spring fens: the role of abiotic heterogeneity and biotic interactions at regional and local scale (Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, P505/16-03881S, applicant)
    2017–2019: Holocene development of temperate European biota: effects of climate, refugia and local factors tested by complex datasets of independent proxies (Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, P504/17-05696S, applicant)
Major Publications
  • LIZOŇOVÁ, Zuzana a Michal HORSÁK. Contrasting diversity of testate amoebae communities in Sphagnum and brown-moss dominated patches in relation to shell counts. European Journal of Protistology. JENA, GERMANY: ELSEVIER, 2017, roč. 58, April, s. 135-142. ISSN 0932-4739. Dostupné z: info
  • HORSÁK, Michal, Tomáš ČEJKA, Lucie JUŘIČKOVÁ, Vollrath WIESE, Veronika HORSÁKOVÁ a Zdeňka LOSOSOVÁ. Drivers of Central European urban land snail faunas: the role of climate and local species pool in the representation of native and non-native species. Biological Invasions. 2016, roč. 18, č. 12, s. 3547-3560. ISSN 1387-3547. Dostupné z: info
  • HORSÁK, Michal, Milan CHYTRÝ, Petra HÁJKOVÁ, Michal HÁJEK, Jiří DANIHELKA, Veronika HORSÁKOVÁ, Nikolai ERMAKOV, Dmitry A. GERMAN, Martin KOČÍ, Pavel LUSTYK, Jeffrey Clark NEKOLA, Zdenka PREISLEROVÁ a Milan VALACHOVIČ. European glacial relict snails and plants: environmental context of their modern refugial occurrence in southern Siberia. Boreas. 2015, roč. 44, č. 4, s. 638-657. ISSN 0300-9483. Dostupné z: URL info
  • HORSÁK, Michal, Vanda RÁDKOVÁ, Vít SYROVÁTKA, Jindřiška BOJKOVÁ, Vendula POLÁŠKOVÁ, Jana SCHENKOVÁ a Jana ZAJACOVÁ. Drivers of aquatic macroinvertebrate richness in spring fens in relation to habitat specialization and dispersal mode. Journal of Biogeography. 2015, roč. 42, č. 11, s. 2112-2121. ISSN 0305-0270. Dostupné z: URL info
  • ČERNOHORSKÁ, Nicole, Timothy R. MCCLANAHAN, Idrees BABU a Michal HORSÁK. Small herbivores suppress algal accumulation on Agatti atol. Coral Reefs. 2015, roč. 34, č. 4, s. 1023-1035. ISSN 0722-4028. Dostupné z: info
  • RÁDKOVÁ, Vanda, Jindřiška BOJKOVÁ, Vendula KŘOUPALOVÁ, Jana SCHENKOVÁ, Vít SYROVÁTKA a Michal HORSÁK. The role of dispersal mode and habitat specialisation in metacommunity structuring of aquatic macroinvertebrates in isolated spring fens. Freshwater Biology. 2014, roč. 59, č. 11, s. 2256-2267. ISSN 0046-5070. Dostupné z: info
  • HORSÁK, Michal, Milan CHYTRÝ a Irena AXMANOVÁ. Exceptionally poor land snail fauna of central Yakutia (NE Russia): climatic and habitat determinants of species richness. Polar Biology. 2013, roč. 36, č. 2, s. 185-191. ISSN 0722-4060. Dostupné z: URL info
  • HORSÁK, Michal, Zdeňka LOSOSOVÁ, Tomáš ČEJKA, Lucie JUŘIČKOVÁ a Milan CHYTRÝ. Diversity and biotic homogenization of urban land-snail faunas in relation to habitat types and macroclimate in 32 Central European cities. PLOS ONE. 2013, roč. 8, č. 8, s. 1-10. ISSN 1932-6203. Dostupné z: Fulltext PDF info
  • HORSÁK, Michal, Lucie JUŘIČKOVÁ a Jaroslav PICKA. Molluscs of the Czech and Slovak Republics. Zlín: Kabourek, 2013, 264 s. Kabourek, 1. ISBN 978-80-86447-15-5. info
  • HORSÁK, Michal, Michal HÁJEK, Daniel SPITALE, Petra HÁJKOVÁ, Daniel DÍTĚ a Jeffrey NEKOLA. The age of island-like habitats impacts habitat specialist species richness. Ecology. 2012, roč. 93, č. 5, s. 1106-1114. ISSN 0012-9658. info
  • HORSÁK, Michal. Mollusc assemblages in palaeoecological reconstructions: an investigation of their predictive power using transfer function models. Boreas. 2011, roč. 40, č. 3, s. 459-467. ISSN 0300-9483. info
  • SCHAMP, Brandon, Michal HORSÁK a Michal HÁJEK. Deterministic assembly of land snail communities according to species size and diet. Journal of Animal Ecology. 2010, roč. 79, č. 4, s. 803-810. ISSN 0021-8790. info
  • HORSÁK, Michal, Milan CHYTRÝ, Beata POKRYSZKO, Jiří DANIHELKA, Nikolai ERMAKOV, Michal HÁJEK, Petra HÁJKOVÁ, Kateřina KINTROVÁ, Martin KOČÍ, Svatava KUBEŠOVÁ, Pavel LUSTYK, Zdenka OTÝPKOVÁ, Barbora PELÁNKOVÁ a Milan VALACHOVIČ. Habitats of relict terrestrial snails in southern Siberia: lessons for the reconstruction of palaeoenvironments of full-glacial Europe. Journal of Biogeography. 2010, roč. 37, č. 8, s. 1450–1462. ISSN 0305-0270. Dostupné z: URL info
  • CHYTRÝ, Milan, Jiří DANIHELKA, Michal HORSÁK, Martin KOČÍ, Svatava KUBEŠOVÁ, Zdeňka LOSOSOVÁ, Zdenka OTÝPKOVÁ, Lubomír TICHÝ, Vasiliy B. MARTYNENKO a El'vira Z. BAISHEVA. Modern analogues from the Southern Urals provide insights into biodiversity change in the early Holocene forests of Central Europe. Journal of Biogeography. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010, roč. 37, č. 4, s. 767-780. ISSN 0305-0270. Dostupné z: Fulltext on Wiley Online Library info


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