Office for Studies
Location and contacts

  • Office hours

    Monday 12.30–14.30 pm  
    Tuesday No office hours  
    Wednesday 12.30–14.30 pm  
    Thursday No office hours  
    Friday No office hours

    Please, prefer communication with your study matters by e-mail and telephone. Personal consultations outside office hours are also possible by prior arrangements with the relevant study assistant.

    IT Equipment loan for students in need
    The Faculty of Science has been provided with 14 laptops, 25 tablets, 22 graphics tablets, 9 headphones with a microphone and webcams with a microphone from a MU project to support online education. Offered IT equipment is intended for students in need and will be provided as a loan.

    Students can submit the request including justification through the Document Office in the IS, link here.
  • Where to find us?

    Area Kotlářská 2, building 1 - Dean's Office, ground floor to the left
    UCB, Kamenice 5, building A17, office 409 and 411


    Postal Address: 
    Faculty of Science, Masaryk University
    first name and last name
    Office for Studies
    Kotlářská 267/2
    611 37 Brno

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  • Schedule of the Academic Year Graduation schedule Course Catalogue Student Manual Forms Admission Procedure

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