Invitation to the PhD Day 2022
Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs of the Faculty of Science MU 9-2022
Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs of the Faculty of Science MU 6/2022
Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs of the Faculty of Science MU 5/2022
Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs of the Faculty of Science MU 4/2022
Kristýna Hromádková: Events of the Week 3–10 October
Oct 3 Mon Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology Seminar Series TOPIC: Helicenes at Surfaces: Topological Self-Assembly and Electron Spin Filtering SPEAKER: Karl-Heinz Ernst WHERE: Brno, Purkyňova 123, CEITEC BUT, Large Meeting Room S2.02 WHEN: 11:00 Oct 3 Mon Jak na: Plánování semestru WHERE: Brno, Komenského nám. 2, Room 300 WHEN: 15:00–17:00 Oct 4 Tue Molecular Medicine Seminar Series TOPIC: Modeling CLL-T Cell Interactions SPEAKER: Eva Hoferkova WHERE: University Campus, CEITEC MU, Building E35, Room 211 WHEN: 9:30–10:30 Oct 4 Tue Mendel Centre Seminar Series TOPIC: TeloBase – A Community-Curated Database of Telomere Sequences Across the Tree of Life SPEAKER: Martin Lycka WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 205 WHEN: 14:00–15:00 Oct 5 Wed Transmembrane Transport of Ions by Supramolecular Receptors SPEAKER: Hennie Valkenier WHERE: Brno, Palackého třída 1946/1, Faculty of Pharmacy, Building 45, Room 135 WHEN: 13:00–14:00 Oct 5 Wed Ze studenta absolventem Lékařské fakulty MU WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 334 WHEN: 17:00–19:20 Oct 5–7 Wed–Fri Genetická konference GSGM 2022 WHERE: Slavkov u Brna, Chateau Slavkov – Austerlitz Oct 6 Thu Czech Chemical Society Lectures TOPIC: Lipidomic Quantitation by UHPSFC/MS: Potential for Clinical Screening of Pancreatic Cancer SPEAKER: Michal Holčapek WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 132 WHEN: 14:00 Oct 6 Thu Life Sciences Seminar Series TOPIC: Computational Modeling Reveals Central Parameters for Brassinosteroid-Regulated Cellular Processes Linked to Elongation Growth in the Arabidopsis Root SPEAKER: Klaus Harter WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 132 WHEN: 16:00–17:00 Oct 6 Thu Botanical Seminar Series TOPIC: Past, Present and Future (?) Weeds – Biodiversity Change and Biological Invasions in the Central European Arable Flora SPEAKER: Michael Glaser WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 306 WHEN: 16:00 Oct 6 Thu BBQ with Deans 2022 WHERE: University Campus, between Pavilions C14 & C15 WHEN: 16:30–20:00 Oct 7 Fri CEITEC Welcome and Info PhD Day 2022 WHERE: University Campus, CEITEC MU, Building E35, Atrium WHEN: 10:00–12:00 Oct 7 Fri Principal Investigator Seminar Series TOPIC: Nanoparticle Tag Counting for Tissue Imaging Using Infrared Laser Ablation SPEAKER: Jan Preisler WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 205 WHEN: 13:00–14:00 Oct 10–12 Mon–Wed BIOCEV Days 2022 WHERE: Vestec, Průmyslová 595, Main Conference Hall Save the Date: * Mentoring in Academic Practice: Mentees, 13 October * Mentoring in Academic Practice: Mentors, 13 October * Mendel Lecture: Role of the Antigen Receptor in Normal and Malignant B Cell Development, 13 October * Correlative Materials Characterization 2022, 13–14 October * Afternoon with Chemistry, 14 October * AFM Workshop: Nanoscale with AFM, 17–18 October * CELLIM Workshop: Super Resolution Microscopy Methods in Biology, 19–20 October * International Conference on Research Infrastructures (ICRI) 2022, 19–21 October * Mendel Lecture: Exploring the Underground of the RBP World – Riboregulation, 20 October * Cytokinin Forefront Research, 24–25 October * MAFIL Open Day 2022, 25 October * Science Communication 2022: Komunikace vědy a sociální sítě, 2 November * Mendel Lecture: Supramolecular Latch: a New Chemical Tool for Chemistry, Biology and Materials Science, 3 November
Kristýna Hromádková: Reminder: Today's Principal Investigator Seminar
We are reminding you about the next seminar, Assigning Dynamic Behaviors to "Passive" Polarity Proteins Using Vertebrate Embryos, by Jakub Harnoš (MU, Faculty of Science). WHEN: Friday, 30 September, at 13:00 WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 205 Best regards, CEITEC MU, Communication Department
Kristýna Hromádková: Reminder: Today's Principal Investigator Seminar
We are reminding you about the next seminar, Dimerization – Special Case of Protein-Protein Interactions, by Jozef Hritz (MU, Faculty of Science). WHEN: Friday, 23 September, at 13:00 WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 205 Best regards, CEITEC MU, Communication Department
Kristýna Hromádková: Events of the Week 19–26 September
Sep 19–20 Mon–Tue PhD Retreat WHERE: Telč, University Centre Telč, nám. Zachariáše z Hradce 2 Sep 19–20 Mon–Tue Grants Week 2022 WHERE: Online & Brno, Komenského nám. 2, Room 300 Sep 19 Mon Development and Renewal of the Dentition SPEAKER: Ophir Klein WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 334 WHEN: 13:00–15:00 Sep 20 Tue Molecular Medicine Seminar Series TOPIC: Machine Learning Approach to Identify RNA G-quadruplex Using Convolutional Neural Network SPEAKER: Bhagat Kriti WHERE: University Campus, CEITEC MU, Building E35, Room 211 WHEN: 9:30–10:30 Sep 20 Tue GAMU 2023 WHERE: Online WHEN: 10:30–12:30 Sep 21 Wed Workshop: Presentation Skills SPEAKER: Samuel Lagier WHERE: University Campus, CEITEC MU, Building E35, Room 211 WHEN: 9:00–18:00 Sep 21–23 Wed–Fri NCURA: Global Workshop on US Funding Opportunities and Management WHERE: University Campus Sep 22–23 Thu–Fri The 3rd Annual CEITEC Postdoc Retreat WHERE: Křtiny 1, Chateau Křtiny Sep 23 Fri Principal Investigator Seminar Series TOPIC: Dimerization – Special Case of Protein-Protein Interactions SPEAKER: Jozef Hritz WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 205 WHEN: 13:00 Sep 23–24 Fri–Sat XXIX. Brněnské dny praktického lékařství WHERE: University Campus, Building B22, Auditorium Save the Date: * 7th McMaster International Review Course in Internal Medicine (MIRCIM), 29 September – 1 October * Life After PhD (Career Café Live) with Emanuela Sani, 29 September * Researchers' Night, 30 September * CEITEC Welcome and Info PhD Day 2022, 7 October * Mendel Lecture: Role of the Antigen Receptor in Normal and Malignant B Cell Development, 13 October * Correlative Materials Characterization 2022, 13–14 October * CELLIM Workshop: Super Resolution Microscopy Methods in Biology, 19–20 October * International Conference on Research Infrastructures (ICRI) 2022, 19–21 October * Mendel Lecture: Exploring the Underground of the RBP World – Riboregulation, 20 October * Cytokinin Forefront Research, 24–25 October * Science Communication 2022: Komunikace vědy a sociální sítě, 2 November * Mendel Lecture: Supramolecular Latch: a New Chemical Tool for Chemistry, Biology and Materials Science, 3 November
Kristýna Hromádková: Reminder: Today's Principal Investigator Seminar
The Principal Investigator Seminars have started. Everyone is welcome! We are reminding you about the next seminar, Upconversion Microscopy for Background-Free Imaging and Analysis of Enzyme Kinetics at the Single Molecule Level, by Hans-Heiner Gorris (MU, Faculty of Science). WHEN: Friday, 16 September, at 13:00 WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 205 Best regards, CEITEC MU, Communication Department
Kristýna Hromádková: Events of the Week 12–19 September
Sep 9–16 Fri–Fri Exhibition of Succulents and Other Exotic Plants WHERE: Brno, Botanical Garden of the Faculty of Science, Kotlářská 2 WHEN: 9:00–17:30 Sep 12 Mon Garden Party at the Faculty of Science WHERE: Brno, Faculty of Science, Kotlářská 2, Park WHEN: 14:00 Sep 13 Tue AMN Seminar Series TOPIC: Microstructure and Surface Conditioning Related In vitro / In Vivo Performance of Zirconia Dental Ceramics SPEAKER: Andraž Kocjan WHERE: Brno, Purkyňova 123, CEITEC BUT, Large Meeting Room S2.02 WHEN: 13:00–14:15 Sep 13 Tue Falling Walls Lab Czech Republic 2022 WHERE: Prague, DAAD Information Point Praha, Masarykovo nábř. 32 WHEN: 17:00 Sep 13 Tue Český VŠEVĚD 2022 – Finálový večer WHERE: Brno, University Cinema Scala, Moravské nám. 127 WHEN: 18:00 Sep 14 Wed PhD Day WHERE: University Campus, Library, Building B09 WHEN: 9:00 Sep 14 Wed AMN Seminar Series TOPIC: Chalcogenide Materials: Chemical Bonding and Optoelectronic Applications SPEAKER: Stephen R. Elliot WHERE: Brno, Purkyňova 123, CEITEC BUT, Large Meeting Room S2.02 WHEN: 11:00–12:00 Sep 15 Thu Seminář na počest profesora Martina Černohorského WHEN: Brno, Faculty of Science, Kotlářská 2, Building 6, Room F2 WHEN: 15:00–18:00 Sep 16 Fri Principal Investigator Seminar Series TOPIC: Upconversion Microscopy for Background-free Imaging and Analysis of Enzyme Kinetics at the Single Molecule Level SPEAKER: Hans-Heiner Gorris WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 205 WHEN: 13:00 Sep 17 Sat MUNI Open Day WHERE: University Campus WHEN: 10:45 Sep 18 Sun Submission Deadline Project Brno Ph.D. Talent WHERE: Online Sep 19–20 Mon–Tue PhD Retreat WHERE: Telč, University Centre Telč, nám. Zachariáše z Hradce 2 Sep 19–20 Mon–Tue Grants Week 2022 WHERE: Brno, Komenského nám. 2, Room 300 Sep 19 Mon Development and Renewal of the Dentition SPEAKER: Ophir Klein WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 334 WHEN: 13:00–15:00 Save the Date: * GAMU 2023, 20 September * Workshop: Presentation Skills, 21 September * NCURA: Global Workshop on US Funding Opportunities and Management, 21–23 September * The 3rd Annual CEITEC Postdoc Retreat, 22–23 September * 7th McMaster International Review Course in Internal Medicine (MIRCIM), 29 September – 1 October * Researchers' Night, 30 September * CEITEC Welcome and Info PhD Day 2022, 7 October * Mendel Lecture: Role of the Antigen Receptor in Normal and Malignant B Cell Development, 13 October * International Conference on Research Infrastructures (ICRI) 2022, 19–21 October * Mendel Lecture: Exploring the Underground of the RBP World – Riboregulation, 20 October * Cytokinin Forefront Research, 24–25 October * Science Communication 2022: Komunikace vědy a sociální sítě, 2 November * Mendel Lecture: Supramolecular Latch: a New Chemical Tool for Chemistry, Biology and Materials Science, 3 November
Kristýna Hromádková: Events of the Week 5–12 September
Sep 5–9 Mon–Fri RNA Summer School 2022 WHERE: University Campus, CEITEC MU, Building E35, Room 211 Sep 5–9 Mon–Fri 8th Prague-Weizmann Summer School: Advances in Drug Discovery WHERE: Prague, UCT, Technická 5, Building A, Room AI Sep 6 Tue NanoTemper Technologies Overview SPEAKER: Giacomo Castoro WHERE: University Campus, Building C04, Room 211 WHEN: 9:30–12:00 Sep 7 Wed Open space konference WHERE: Botanická 68a, Faculty of Informatics WHEN: 8:30 Sep 9 Fri 16th Multinational Congress on Microscopy: Tour at CEITEC WHERE: University Campus, CEITEC MU, Building E35 WHEN: 9:00–11:00 Sep 9 Fri 3rd International Meeting Phase in Brno WHERE: Purkyňova 123, CEITEC BUT WHEN: 9:00–15:30 Sep 10 Sat CEITEC at the Festival of Science WHERE: BVV Trade Fairs Brno, Výstaviště 405/1, Pavillion A1 WHEN: 9:00–18:00 Save the Date: * PhD Day, 14 September * MUNI Open Day, 17 September * Submission Deadline: Project Brno Ph.D. Talent, 18 September * PhD Retreat, 19–20 September * The 3rd Annual CEITEC Postdoc Retreat, 22–23 September * 7th McMaster International Review Course in Internal Medicine (MIRCIM), 29 September – 1 October * Researchers' Night, 30 September * Mendel Lecture: Role of the Antigen Receptor in Normal and Malignant B Cell Development, 13 October * International Conference on Research Infrastructures (ICRI) 2022, 19–21 October * Mendel Lecture: Exploring the Underground of the RBP World – Riboregulation, 20 October * Cytokinin Forefront Research, 24–25 October * Mendel Lecture: Supramolecular Latch: a New Chemical Tool for Chemistry, Biology and Materials Science, 3 November
Kristýna Hromádková: Events of the Week 29 August – 5 September
Aug 29–30 Mon–Tue Discover Life Time Imaging with New Confocal Platform Leica STELLARIS WHERE: University Campus, Building C02, Room 211 & 113 WHEN: 10:00–17:00 Aug 30 Tue Hookworms: From Genomes to Vaccines and Parasitic Biology SPEAKER: Erich M. Schwarz WHERE: University Campus, CEITEC MU, Building E35, Room 211 WHEN: 9:00–10:30 Sep 4–9 Sun–Fri European Symposium on Analytical Spectrometry ESAS 2022 WHERE: Faculty of Social Studies, Joštova 218 Sep 5–9 Mon–Fri RNA Summer School 2022 WHERE: University Campus, CEITEC MU, Building E35, Room 211 Sep 5–9 Mon–Fri 8th Prague-Weizmann Summer School: Advances in Drug Discovery WHERE: Prague, UCT, Technická 5, Building A, Room AI Save the Date: * NanoTemper Technologies Overview, 6 September * Open Space konference, 7 September * Synthesis and Analysis of Drugs, 7–9 September * 16th Multinational Congress on Microscopy: Tours at CEITEC, 9 September * 3rd International Meeting Phase in Brno, 9 September * CEITEC at the Festival of Science, 10 September * PhD Day, 14 September * MUNI Open Day, 17 September * Submission Deadline: Project Brno Ph.D. Talent, 18 September * PhD Retreat, 19–20 September * The 3rd Annual CEITEC Postdoc Retreat, 22–23 September * 7th McMaster International Review Course in Internal Medicine (MIRCIM), 29 September – 1 October * Researchers' Night, 30 September * International Conference on Research Infrastructures (ICRI) 2022, 19–21 October * Cytokinin Forefront Research, 24–25 October