26. srpna 2022
- Geografický ústav Přírodovědecké fakulty MU, Kotlářská
We will be honoured to welcome you at the Department of Geography - Faculty of Science of Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic on 26 August 2022.
As usual, the “New Wave” is aiming to be an international student and early career conference and although this edition does not have a specific theme or overall topic, we would like to present its “reloaded” branding and would be thrilled to meet all of you in person again while exchanging the outcomes of our work and research. We encourage you to submit your complete session proposals, the individual papers or posters, as applicable. The deadline for your abstract submission is 15 August 2022. The registration is free of charge and available via the registration form - please see the link below.
Enroll here
Contact and social sites:
#NW2022 #NEWWAVE2022 #geobrno #geomuni

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