Events of the Week 14–21 February
Feb 1–28 Tue–Mon 100 Years of the Botanical Garden WHERE: Brno, Kotlářská 2, Botanical Garden of the Faculty of Science, Gallery at the Dean's Office House Feb 15 Tue Národní den velkých výzkumných infrastruktur ČR WHERE: Online WHEN: 9:30 Feb 17 Thu Botanical Seminar TOPIC: Botanická zahrada PřF MU slaví 100 let SPEAKER: Magdaléna Chytrá WHERE: Online WHEN: 16:00 Feb 18 Fri Autorské právo SPEAKER: Matěj Myška WHERE: Online WHEN: 9:30–11:30 Feb 18 Fri Submission Deadline: InnoCore Challenge WHERE: Online Feb 20 Sun Submission Deadline: International Day of Women and Girls in Science – Wear Your Own Slogan on the T-shirt! WHERE: Online 21 Feb – 6 March Věda a technika jede! EXPO modul na CEITEC VUT WHERE: Brno, Purkyňova 123, CEITEC BUT Save the Date: * Science Communication, 22 February * Bezpečná správa výzkumných dat, 22 February – 10 May * GA ČR 2023 (workshop pro administrativu na MU), 23 February * Školení pro projektové manažerky/manažery a vedení institucí k podpoře žadatelů o granty ERC, 24 February * GA ČR 2023 (Workshop for MU's Researchers), 25 February * Single Cell Multiomics and Spatial Transcriptomics, 25 February * Submission Deadline: For Women in Science, 28 February * REGON: Finanční pravidla programu Horizont Evropa, 2 March * Série modulů Technologického centra AV ČR: Jak se stát hodnotitelem (Horizon Europe), 4 March * Postdoc a co dál? Hledání další kariéry nejen v akademii, 7 March * Cochrane Systematic Review Training, 14–16 March * Brain Awareness Week: Effects of Dance and Other Non-pharmacological Interventions on Brain Function, 14–20 March * 7th European Workshop on Plant Chromatin (EWPC2022), 18–20 May * CEITEC PhD Conference 2022, 30 May * Mendel Genetics Conference, 20–23 July
Events of the Week 7–14 February
Feb 1–28 Tue–Mon 100 Years of the Botanical Garden WHERE: Brno, Kotlářská 2, Botanical Garden of the Faculty of Science, Gallery at the Dean's Office House Feb 10 Wed Taxation in the Czech Republic Obligations of the Taxpayer at the End of 2021 SPEAKER: Magdaléna Vyškovská WHERE: Online WHEN: 9:00 Feb 10 Wed AMN Seminar Series TOPIC: Global structure Optimization of Two-Dimensional Lead Halide Perovskites SPEAKER: Juraj Ovčar WHERE: Online & Brno, Purkyňova 123, CEITEC BUT, Large Meeting Room WHEN: 11:00 Feb 11 Fri Science slam 13 TOPIC: Ženy patří do vědy WHERE: Brno, Moravské náměstí 127/3, Univerzitní kino Scala WHEN: 19:00–23:00 Feb 11–20 Fri–Sun International Day of Women and Girls in Science: Wear Your Own Slogan on the T-shirt! WHERE: Online Save the Date: * Národní den velkých výzkumných infrastruktur ČR, 15 February * Autorské právo, 18 February * Věda a technika jede! EXPO modul na CEITEC VUT, 21 February – 6 March * Science Communication, 22 February * Submission Deadline: For Women in Science, 28 February * REGON: Finanční pravidla programu Horizont Evropa, 2 March * Cochrane Systematic Review Training, 14–16 March * 7th European Workshop on Plant Chromatin (EWPC2022), 18–20 May * CEITEC PhD Conference 2022, 30 May
Events of the Week 31 January – 7 February
Feb 1–4 Tue–Fri Methods for Characterization of Biomolecular Interactions: Classical Versus Modern WHERE: University Campus, Building C04 WHEN: 9:00–17:30 Feb 2 Wed REGON: Program DIOSCURI WHERE: Online WHEN: 9:00–11:00 Save the Date: * International Day of Women and Girls in Science: Wear Your Own Slogan on the T-shirt!, 11–20 February * Národní den velkých výzkumných infrastruktur ČR, 15 February * Věda a technika jede! EXPO modul na CEITEC VUT, 21 February – 6 March * Submission Deadline: For Women in Science, 28 February * REGON: Finanční pravidla programu Horizont Evropa, 2 March * Cochrane Systematic Review Training, 14–16 March * 7th European Workshop on Plant Chromatin (EWPC2022), 18–20 May * CEITEC PhD Conference 2022, 30 May
Events of the Week 24–31 January
Jan 24–28 Mon–Fri ILAE Comprehensive Epilepsy Surgery Course Series: 11th EPODES Basic WHERE: Online & Brno, Hotel International, Husova 16 Jan 24 Mon CELLIM Workshop TOPIC: ANDOR BC43 Benchtop Spinning Disc Confocal Microscope SPEAKER: Mikhail Yuryev WHERE: University Campus, CEITEC MU, Building E35, Room 211 WHEN: 11:00–17:00 Jan 25 Tue Open Day at the MU Faculty of Science WHERE: Online WHEN: 9:00–16:30 Jan 27 Thu CERPEK Workshop TOPIC: Jak na studijní neúspěšnost? SPEAKER: Klára Šeďová WHEN: 9:30–15:00 Jan 27 Thu PostDocs Training TOPIC: SIY Adaptive Resilience Series – Mental Health and Stress Management SPEAKER: Irena Swiecicki WHERE: Online WHEN: 14:00 Save the Date: * Methods for Characterization of Biomolecular Interactions: Classical versus Modern, 1–4 February * REGON: Program DIOSCURI, 2 February * Day of National Research Infrastructures 2022, 15 February * Věda a technika jede! EXPO modul na CEITEC VUT, 21 February – 6 March * Submission Deadline: For Women in Science, 28 February * REGON: Finanční pravidla programu Horizont Evropa, 2 March * Cochrane Systematic Review Training, 14–16 March * CEITEC PhD Conference 2022, 30 May
Events of the Week 17–24 January
Jan 17–18 Mon–Tue CELLIM Workshop TOPIC: Discover the Subcellular Dynamics of Life with Lattice Lightsheet 7 SPEAKER: Pavel Krist WHERE: University Campus, CEITEC MU, Building E35, Room 211 & Building C02, Room 114 WHEN: 10:30–17:00 Jan 20–21 Thu–Fri Alliance4Life Early Stage Researchers' Online Retreat WHERE: Online Jan 20 Thu TOPIC: Patient-Specific Derived Cardiomyocytes – Will We Be Able to Predict the Cardiomyopathies in the Dish Tomorrow? SPEAKER: Albano Meli WHERE: Online WHEN: 10:00 Jan 20 Thu Information Session for Prospective PhD Students WHERE: Online WHEN: 13:00 Jan 21 Fri Submission Deadline CELLIM Best Microscopy Picture Contest WHERE: Online Jan 22 Sat Open Day at the MU Faculty of Science WHERE: Online WHEN: 9:00–16:30 Jan 24–28 Mon–Fri ILAE Comprehensive Epilepsy Surgery Course Series: 11th EPODES Basic WHERE: Online & Brno, Hotel International, Husova 16 Jan 24 Mon CELLIM Workshop TOPIC: ANDOR BC43 Benchtop Spinning Disc Confocal Microscope SPEAKER: Mikhail Yuryev WHERE: University Campus, CEITEC MU, Building E35, Room 211 WHEN: 11:00–17:00 Save the Date: * Open Day at the MU Faculty of Science, 25 January * Workshop: Základy nenásilné komunikace pro pohodu v práci i doma, 25 January * Workshop: Jak na studijní neúspěšnost?, 27 January * Training: SIY Adaptive Resilience Series – Mental Health and Stress Management, 27 January * Methods for Characterization of Biomolecular Interactions: Classical versus Modern, 1–4 February * REGON: Program DIOSCURI, 2 February * Day of National Research Infrastructures 2022, 15 February * REGON: Finanční pravidla programu Horizont Evropa, 2 March * Cochrane Systematic Review Training, 14–16 March * CEITEC PhD Conference 2022, 30 May
Events of the Week 10–17 January
Jan 13 Wed Tvoje jméno, tvoje hodnota WHERE: Online WHEN: 16:00–17:30 Jan 17–18 Mon–Tue CELLIM Workshop TOPIC: Discover the Subcellular Dynamics of Life with Lattice Lightsheet 7 SPEAKER: Pavel Krist WHERE: University Campus, CEITEC MU, Building E35, Room 211 & Building C02, Room 114 WHEN: 10:30–17:00 Jan 17–21 Mon–Fri JBI Comprehensive Systematic Review Training WHERE: TBA Save the Date: * Information Session for Prospective PhD Students, 20 January * Alliance4Life: Early Stage Researchers' Online Retreat, 20–21 January * Open Days at the MU Faculty of Science, 22 & 25 January * CELLIM Workshop: ANDOR BC43 Benchtop Spinning Disc Confocal Microscope, 24 January * Workshop: Jak na studijní neúspěšnost?, 27 January * Training: SIY Adaptive Resilience Series – Mental Health and Stress Management, 27 January * Methods for Characterization of Biomolecular Interactions: Classical versus Modern, 1–4 February * REGON (únor 2022): Program DIOSCURI, 2 February * CEITEC PhD Conference 2022, 7 February * Day of National Research Infrastructures 2022, 15 February
Events of the Week 13–20 December
Jun–Dec #CEITEC10 Celebrations WHERE: Hybrid format Jun–Dec City Game #CEITEC10 WHERE: Brno Dec 13 Mon AMN Seminar Series TOPIC: Light Scattering Predictions for Transparent and Translucent Ceramics SPEAKER: Soňa Hříbalová WHERE: Online & Brno, Purkyňova 123, CEITEC BUT, Large Meeting Room WHEN: 13:00 Dec 14 Tue Jak identifikovat a oslovovat vhodné supervizory a kandidáty pro MSCA-PF WHEN: 9:00–10:15 Dec 14 Tue Molecular Medicine Seminar Series TOPIC: Establishment and Characterization of Cell Lines Derived from Nothobranchius Embryos SPEAKER: Kamila Součková WHERE: Online WHEN: 9:30 Dec 15 Wed Doctoral Thesis Defence TOPIC: Study of Molecular Mechanisms of CK-ethylene Crosstalk in the Regulation of Arabidopsis Development SPEAKER: Abigail Rubiato Cuyacot WHERE: Online WHEN: 11:00 Dec 16 Thu Botanical Seminar TOPIC: Rakousko; reminiscence zahraniční botanické exkurze WHERE: Online WHEN: 16:00 Dec 17 Fri Doctoral Thesis Defence TOPIC: Interphase Telomere Clustering in Arabidopsis and Other Crucifer Species SPEAKER: Wenbo Shan WHERE: Online WHEN: 14:00 Save the Date: * REGON (leden 2022): Evropský výzkumný prostor, 5 January * CELLIM Workshop: Discover the Subcellular Dynamics of Life with Lattice Lightsheet 7, 17–18 January * Information Session for Prospective PhD Students, 20 January * Open Days at the MU Faculty of Science, 22 & 25 January * REGON (únor 2022): Program DIOSCURI, 2 February * CEITEC PhD Conference 2022, 7 February * Day of National Research Infrastructures 2022, 15 February We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!
Reminder: Last Principal Investigator Seminar 10 December
We are reminding you of the last Principal Investigator Seminar of this semester, PARG Establishes a Functional Module with BRCA1-BARD1 That Ensures Crossover Homeostasis and Safeguards Genome Integrity During Meiosis by Nicola Silva (Faculty of Medicine, MU). WHEN: Friday, 10 December, at 13:00 WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 205 + Live Stream (HERE) Best regards, CEITEC MU Communication Department