Počet publikací: 61
Stress physiology of Antarctic lichens: Evidence from field and laboratory measurements.
Rok: 2008, druh: Konferenční abstrakty
Changes in spectral reflectance of a foliar lichen Umbilicaria hirsuta during desiccation
Biologia Plantarum, rok: 2007, ročník: 51, vydání: 2
Regrowth dynamics of Calamagrostis epigejos after defoliation as affected by nitrogen availability.
Biologia Plantarum, rok: 2007, ročník: 51, vydání: 3
PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND STRESS - Central European Conference
Rok: 2005, druh: Uspořádání konference
Visualized photosynthetic characteristics of the lichen <i>Xanthoria elegans</i> related to daily courses of light, temperature and hydration: a field study from Galindez Island, maritime Antarctica.
The Lichenologist, rok: 2005, ročník: 37, vydání: 5
Activity of primary photosynthetic processes in some antarctic lichens and mosses at decreasing water potential of their thalli
Terra Nostra, Schriften der Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung, rok: 2004, ročník: 2004, vydání: 4
Detection of photochemical processes in Antarctic lichen <i>Xanthoria elegans</i> using chlorophyll fluorescence imaging.
Book of Abstracts. Xth Days of Plant Physiology., rok: 2004
Changes in growth parameters and content of N-storage compounds in roots and rhizomes of Calamagrostis epigejos after repeated defoliation
Biológia, rok: 2004, ročník: 59, vydání: 13
Photosynthetic characteristics of foliose lichens in response to light, temperature and water status of thallus
Book of Abstracts. 5th IAL Symposium, rok: 2004
Simulating the low-light intensities of dense vegetation: which plant traits promote the growth of potential invaders?
Plant Physiology Conference of Ph.D. Students and Young Scientists, Book of Abstracts, rok: 2003