Počet publikací: 61
Fyziologické charakteristiky podmiňující vysoké kompetiční schopnosti trav rodu Calamagratostis
Ekológia travného porastu VI - medzinárodná vedecká konferencia, rok: 2002
Gas-exchange measurement of carbon fluxes in stands of Antarctic lichens and mosses
Sborník (el. verze), Workshop on Changes of the Polar Ecosystem, rok: 2002
The effect of vegetation cover of fruticose lichens on thermal regime of Antarctic coastal oasis (King George Island)
Sborník (el.verze), Workshop on Changes of the Polar Ecosystem, rok: 2002
Application of fluorometric methods to measurements of lichen photosynthetic responses to changing temperature and thallus hydration.
Ecology of Antarctic Coastal Oasis., rok: 2001
Effects of thallus temperature and hydration on photosynthetic parameters of Cetraria islandica from contrasting habitats.
Photosynthetica, rok: 2001, ročník: 39, vydání: 3
Photosynthetic response of Iceland moss (Cetraria islandica) to thallus temperature and hydration detected by chlorophyll fluorescence.
IXth Days of Plant Physiology, rok: 2001
Biophysical methods for stress detection in plants
Ecophysiology of plant production processes in stress conditions, rok: 2000
Heterogeneity of chlorophyll fluorescence over thalli of several foliose macrolichens exposed to adverse environmental factors: Interspecific differences as related to thallus hydration and high irradiance.
Photosynthetica, rok: 2000, ročník: 38, vydání: 4
Nitrogen and base cation uptake in seedlings of Acer pseudoplatanus and Calamagrostis villosa exposed to an acidified environment.
Plant and Soil, rok: 2000, ročník: 226, vydání: 1
Nitrogen-rich compounds support spring re-growth of grass Calamagrostis epigejos.
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, rok: 2000, ročník: 38